It's called Dakkijam... because it is!
Dakkijam : Na Pali Arena
In Development
Game : Unreal
The soft reboot of the Dakkijam series. Starting off as a Deathmatch map pack for the original Unreal. As most of the Unreal community are making levels for the original Unreal Tournament, Unreal's Deathmatch felt underrated, so I felt like the original Unreal would be a good way to start off the series.
To keep things easier to manage for starting out, the minimum amount of levels would be about six levels. After the minimum amount is reached, a deadline will be announced to give other contributors a chance to make levels before the deadline.
Your level must be compatible with the original Unreal Gold (v226b).
You must not make use of features exclusive to OldUnreal versions (227) such as static meshes and the like.
If preferred, try not to use
custom texture packages.
- However if you must, make use of the included Dakkijam.utx package (in
Discord server). Otherwise expect your map to be rebuilt to target the
desired .UTX package.
The filename should be named
like this : DM-DJ1-MapName.unr
- This is to help indicate that the map is from this pack, but try to make
sure that the filename isn't too long.
If you wish, you can have a song included in your level. But do keep in mind that you must not use .UMX files that contain MP3 music and/or copyrighted music. This is meant to avoid not only copyright issues, but also to ensure that this map pack is more compact to download.
When using custom textures for your level, please consider keeping most of your textures either in 128x128 or 256x256 maximum resolution. This is to ensure that most older 3D accelerators or video cards can run these levels without much issue.
Another thing to keep in mind is that when you import your textures, make sure it uses 'P8 Palette Format' instead of BC/DXT compressed textures which were originally used for S3 Savage video cards. Not every version of Unreal nor every video card back in the day has these capabilities.
To further prevent yourself from using 227 features, I would recommend using OldUnreal's UnrealEd 2.2 (from v469e). Which is what I currently use to make the maps, but keep in mind that you must load the final result in 227's editor and resave it. (no rebuilding required)
* List subject to change
1. Akage's LAN House - BabblingBrook
2. Dakkichan Funhouse - Akage "THEBaratusII" Megane
3. Nali Sanctum - Akage "THEBaratusII" Megane
4. Area 20 (Dakkijam Edition) - Akage "THEBaratusII" Megane